Letter from the President
Since our founding in 1966, Riverside Brass & Aluminum Foundry Limited has continued to build on a tradition of casting excellence in our hometown of New Hamburg, Ontario, Canada.
Our team brings a unique level of technology and craftsmanship to all orders, ensuring top-quality service from start to finish.
At Riverside Brass, our goal is to make superior product solutions for our customer’s needs.
Our History
Founded in nearby Preston, partners Ervin Steinmann and the late Elmer Schlegel, moved their fledgling foundry business to the former Hahn Brass Works on Waterloo Street in New Hamburg in 1969. For Ervin, now retired, it was a homecoming. He was returning to the place where he had first worked in the industry and mastered the casting trade.
For more than five decades, Riverside Brass can truly claim to have moved with the times. The original workforce of just 2 is now over 125. The early client list, dominated by two customers, has risen to over 100. In recent years, the business has consolidated its focus on the manufacturing sector producing a wide range of quality industrial castings for major North American customers, primarily serving the water and electrical markets. In 2010, Riverside developed and opened a brass, bronze, and aluminum plaque division. It serves Government, heritage, special event, cemetery, and memorialization markets.
A symbol of that success is Riverside’s spacious 42,000 square foot foundry that was built on a 5-acre industrial site. Officially opened in September 1996, the $5.5 million computer-controlled foundry was designed from the ground up to handle large-run castings delivering maximum control and quality. Riverside also maintains its original Waterloo Street facility offering additional capacity with modern, state-of-the-art foundry technology in medium to large run castings in multiple alloys.
Family ownership, a key feature of the Riverside success story, has also been undergoing change. Ervin Steinmann retired in late 1999 after 33 years at the helm of this highly successful company. Currently his son-in-law, David N. Seyler (married to Susan) is President of Riverside Brass & Aluminum Foundry Limited. Ervin’s son, Doug Steinmann is Vice President.
The Riverside Brass Team includes a highly skilled workforce and is led by a goal oriented dedicated group of managers. We continue to be a leader in the foundry industry, poised to grow and take on new challenges and opportunities. The company continues to build on a proud tradition of metal casting and looks forward to serving customer needs with the best products the industry has to offer.
Our Community
A multitude of businesses and support services in the area enhances the lifestyle of the residents in New Hamburg. Establishing partnerships and business relations with a wide variety of commercial and industrial enterprises contributes to the success of business operations.
The owners take pride in supporting many local initiatives spearheaded by the Board of Trade, Municipal Government, and various organizations. Support happens in a variety of ways – sponsorship of minor sporting teams and ads for fundraising events for various groups; donations to projects involving children, youth, seniors, United Way, and other service groups. As well, the owners are serving and have served on the Board of Directors of several local organizations. Riverside Brass are members of many community organizations and projects.
One of Riverside Brass’ mission statement goals is “to manage the Company using innovative strategies to improve the quality of life locally, nationally and internationally”.
Riverside Brass is committed to using its resources to support and improve the local community and beyond.
Mission Statement
- To fulfill the expectations of our customers by manufacturing quality non-ferrous castings, supported by technical services in state-of-the-art facilities.
- To operate a profitable, growth-oriented company, creating career opportunities and financial rewards for our employees and our shareholders.
- To manage the company using innovative strategies to improve the quality of life locally, nationally, and internationally.